
GARDEBRUK® \'Sunlight\' Aluminium Greenhouse With Foundation 250x190x195cm | 4.75m² with 2 Opening Roof Vents | Galvanised Steel Base | Polycarbonate Glazing | Home Garden Nursery Cold Frame

  • ALUMINIUM GREENHOUSE: The Gardebruk brand greenhouse consists of anodised aluminium profiles and thermally insulating hollow chamber web panes. The rust-free, weather-resistant aluminium ensures an extra long service life.
  • HIGH STABILITY: Thanks to additional struts in the wall and roof area, stability and safety are ensured. The rain gutter directs the flow of rain down the side of the greenhouse. In this way, you can directly intercept and use the rainwater.
  • PERFECT AIR CIRCULATION: The foldable, practical skylight and the large sliding door ensure optimal air circulation. Thanks to the integrated thermometer, you can always have an eye on the room temperature.
  • VERSATILE USE: The stable greenhouse offers enough space to grow your plants. The greenhouse can be used for growing a wide variety of vegetables and herbs, as well as for rearing or overwintering certain plants.
  • TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Greenhouse 5.8m³, L 190 x W 190 x H 195cm | 1x Thermometer | Floor space: 3.6m² | Material: Aluminium profiles, 4mm Polycarbonate (PC) multi-wall sheets | Now grow your own plants with this greenhouse.

Color: Grey

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13 reviews
Purchased the 12ft greenhouse with the base and could not be happier. We ensured the base was firmly fixed. We used a course of bricks with 4x4 timbers to mount the foundation base on and reinforced the fixing with angle irons. We also used more angle irons to fix the wood down. The windows were all secured in with silicone. Silicone is not cheap but worth the peace of mind. It did take a few days to erect but we wanted to give it the best chance of survival when gale force winds came. And, sods law, we had a storm that very night. With trepidation we inspected the greenhouse the next morning, it had not budged! I'm so excited to start using it as I have never had one before. For the price range I made an excellent choice. Thank you Gardebruk.
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I bought this item on May 1st. On May 5th, Yodel dropped an extremely light box. Outside the box, it said pack 1 of 2. I asked the driver if he had a second box, he checked and confirmed he didn't. So I contacted the seller, explained the situation and he said the greenhouse is delivered in one unique box and that according to their tracking, it had been delivered. I opened the box and there were just sheets. I had very stressful days as I felt as I if was considered a liar, fortunately, a second box turned up and the seller emailed me to confirm it came in two boxes. I am extremely disappointed with Amazon Customer Service. After many emails, they told me I could send the parcel back and then ask for a refund for the greenhouse and the shipping. I wanted to do so, but I felt I can no longer trust Amazon with regards to receiving reimbursement for the delivery (as the customer must pay for the return in advance and for an individual sending back a greenhouse from the UK to a European country isn't cheap, there are custom declaration forms to be filled, etc.). I asked about the number of boxes on this page and was surprised to receive a reply from another customer having the same experience. I understand mistakes happen, but it's the way they handled it as I feared for days I had paid a lot of money for just a box of panel sheets. About the greenhouse. It came well packaged, there was just one sheet damaged (again read another customer had damaged sheets) and the size matched the description. Unfortunately, the screws aren't galvanised and they are already showing signs of rust. The instructions aren't clear, and this is not the first time we set up a greenhouse. Although the greenhouse is in a sheltered area, we bought the base, as well as ready-mixed concrete, extra clips, silicon sealant, heavy-duty tent pegs,.. and doesn't seem enough, so now we are going to build a wooden frame inside to make it more sturdy, or won't stand a chance. The door of the greenhouse keeps coming out from the base and that's again something we are going to have to spend money to fix. If I was to buy a greenhouse again, I'd spend more money to buy a decent one and definitively won't be using Amazon. I don't know whereabouts they have the customer service team, but their service is becoming appealing.
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The instructions provided are not very good. Two or three times the instructions require dismantling something already done in order to add an extra step that was only mentioned two pages after you'd completed building a section. There were several pictures and graphics that were too small and blurry to be of any real use, this is especially true of the picture showing the proper way to install the clips that hold the panels in place. Nevertheless, I did manage to construct the greenhouse mostly by myself, with help only when attaching the crossbeams. The total time for assembly was about 8-9 hours, so make sure you have a day with good weather and plenty of time, and it would be best to have help if you can. as putting it together alone is not ideal. The greenhouse itself seems sturdy and I have had no problems with panels coming out despite the high winds we have had here over the last few days. The only flaw I would mention is that because the guttering is in two parts, it's not possible to get them aligned closely enough, so they leak water, but this can be easily solved by adding some sealant along the join. All in all, I am very happy with this greenhouse.
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Mr Adam J Doran
This product was murder to put up. Like mega difficult. Not everything quite fit. The door slider is very sticky, if I could change this to a hinged door I would. But most importantly the wind is the enemy of this greenhouse. If you live anywhere where it is remotely windy - avoid. The “glass” panels come out very easily. They are held in with little clips but the first gust of wind and it’s popped out. In the first week, 8 panels came out and had to be put back in. 2nd week a further 5 came out. I have had to spend a small fortune on stuff making sure these panels can survive the wind. Please note I do not live in a very windy place and we get a lot of shelter from major wind, but still this greenhouse comes apart.
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roy liddle
For price good value However, the instructions are terrible and all parts are labeled and numbered the instructions are so poor . Needs cleared pictured instructions like IKEA
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Kevin Whittaker
When the green house in two boxes there are a lot of pieces but all numbered and if you follow the instructions along with a bit common sense the green house is a great value for money purchase, quite easy to assemble, the polycarbonate glassing is cut to perfection took a day to assemble , really happy
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the product quality is terrible! plastics are constantly flying, they didn't put a screwing system! the greenhouse is crooked. the door doesn't close, the door is made so small that it lets in air from the sides. we've been fed up with the greenhouse for 3 months. plastics are constantly flying into the neighbor's garden! iron is placed for the ground, the iron is fixed in a way that it will fly out of the soil and the installation gives people cancer!! never never never buy it! build your own greenhouse!!
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Dennis bruce
instructions a bit hazy but ok
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Handleiding zit in de doos met panelen. Alles is zeer duidelijk zichtbaar. Ik blijf klant:)
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Produit nul pour rester politiquement correct Aucun schéma de montage, aucune dimension correct, reçu en plusieurs livraisons, polycarbonate super fin moins de 5 millimètres et très fragile, une misère plus un vrai problème pour joindre le vendeur qui ne répond que plusieurs jours après et le renvoie même avec l aide et le signalement une catastrophe, cela aura mis 1mois 1/2 je suis extrêmement déçu même contre Amazon. Vraiment ne commander pas cette cochonnerie. J'ai dû chercher moi-même des plans de montage pour au final qu aucune taille ne correspondent à ce que j ai commandé, une honte pour du matériel soit disant allemand......fuyez
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paolo bertoncin
Grande qualità dei componenti che si fissano con meno di 1mm di tolleranza lavorazione (al laser) dell'alluminio eccellente durante il montaggio la struttura sembra leggera mentre una volta assemblata la struttura metallica diventa estremamente rigida e solida pur pesando poco. Mi sono spaventato leggendo commenti in cui si sostiene che è difficile da montare e tocca adattare pezzi e pannelli quindi per questo scrivo questa recensione: Può essere montata da una sola persona( in due si fa prima però) io ho impiegato più giorni tra una pioggia e l'altra. Se l'avete montata in una giornata siete dei geni! E' estremamente importante seguire le istruzioni passo passo (come per i mobili IKEA) se fai prima il passo 3 poi il passo 1 dovrai smontare e ricominciare da capo I disegni sulla pagina a destra sono fondamentali per capire come montare (attenzione i pezzi sono tutti numerati e devono essere montati nell'ordine indicato molti sono simili ma non uguali! (importante avere spazio a terra dove ordinare i pezzi per numero sveltisce molto il lavoro) e iniziare l'assemblaggio attenzione ai particolari e attenzione maniacale ai numeri. Ottima la bulloneria e il sistema di bloccaggio delle lastre di policarbonato (l'unica serra che ha la base in ferro zincato compresa nel prezzo, di buona qualità anche gli attrezzi forniti in dotazione. Nella mia città il vento spesso supera i 100km/ora aggiornerò questa recensione dopo aver provato i 100 km /ora Quindi posso dire con sicurezza questa serra è di ottima qualità e fattura e facile da montare (pazienza basta ordine e attenzione). Sono Molto soddisfatto la ricomprerei a occhi chiusi decisamente consigliabile (chi sostiene che pezzi e pannelli devono essere adattati e dopo il montaggio risulta storta vuol dire che ha sbagliato l'esatta procedura di montaggio accoppiando i pezzi in una sequenza sbagliata) Dopo 5 giorni dal montaggio c'è stato un forte temporale con moltissima acqua e vento fino a 60km la serra non ha avuto alcun problema si è dimostrata molto robusta Dopo 15 giorni è arrivato il primo temporale forte con tanta acqua e vento forte (non fortissimo) la serra ha resistito perfettamente mantenendo all'interno una buona temperatura e umidità Ora è passato quasi un anno ha resistito al gelo alle piogge torrenziali e alla bora 120km sono assolutamente soddisfatto Dopo 1 anno dalla sua installazione ha superato indenne temporali forti con grandine e vento fino a 120 km/h con vento molto forte le clip che tengono il policarbonato con le vibrazioni si sganciano (sarebbe bello avere pìù clip da mettere molto vicine per evitare che i fogli inizino a vibrare.
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Impossible de la monter j'ai reçu un colis sans les plaques de poycarbonatesou est le reste ????
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Semble très fragile les plaques se sont envolés avec le vent attention vaut mieux être 2 pour la monter si vous n êtes pas bricoleur passez votre chemin....
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  • Cover material ‎Polycarbonate (PC)
  • Frame material ‎Aluminium
  • Number of doors ‎1
  • Manufacturer ‎Gardebruk
  • Size ‎190x190x195cm
  • Product Dimensions ‎190 x 190 x 195 cm; 25.6 kg
  • Part number ‎991210
  • Material type ‎Aluminum
  • Item model number ‎991210
  • ASIN ‎B00TU0I3N2
  • Date First Available 28 Mar. 2015
  • Customer Reviews 3.2 3.2 out of 5 stars 1,979 ratings var dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction; P.when('A', 'ready').execute(function(A) { if (dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction !== true) { dpAcrHasRegisteredArcLinkClickAction = true; A.declarative( 'acrLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault": true }, function (event) { if (window.ue) { ue.count("acrLinkClickCount", (ue.count("acrLinkClickCount") || 0) + 1); } } ); } }); P.when('A', 'cf').execute(function(A) { A.declarative('acrStarsLink-click-metrics', 'click', { "allowLinkDefault" : true }, function(event){ if(window.ue) { ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount", (ue.count("acrStarsLinkWithPopoverClickCount") || 0) + 1); } }); }); 3.2 out of 5 stars
  • Best Sellers Rank 14,653 in Garden (See Top 100 in Garden) 183 in Greenhouses
  • Colour Grey
  • Brand Gardebruk
  • Product dimensions 195L x 190W x 195H centimetres
  • Item weight 25.6 Kilograms
  • Door style Sliding Door